Revolutionise the working week with regular healthy habits that inspire and foster company growth. 

Our Reason Why.

The way we divide life – sleep, work, and everything else - often tips out of balance. Real wellbeing isn’t just a policy; it’s action driven results. Forward-thinking organisations make space for healthy habits in the working week, giving teams the tools to succeed every day. 

Our Innovative Model.

Take A Pause addresses this imbalance. We bring practices and workshops into the workweek to boost physical, mental, and personal wellbeing. When individuals feel strong, clear, and inspired, they thrive – becoming powerful drivers of growth and success for your business.

We Become Part of You.

We embed ourselves in your company culture and get to know every individual that makes up your workplace. By getting to know everyone, we tailor our services and support to ensure everyone gets the best out of what we offer throughout the year. 

What We Offer.

  • Annual Wellbeing Service.

    Tailored to your employees needs and company objectives, we embed our services into your company culture year round allowing us to track, measure and enhance the wellbeing of everyone. A consistent approach leads to radical results. 

  • Workshops & Wellbeing Practices.

    If you are not looking for an annual service, we can provide bespoke events and workshops that include physical activities, mental training and inspiring coaching sessions to keep your teams motivated and inspired to take control of their wellbeing. 

  • Wellbeing Consultancy Service.

    Want to improve your company's wellbeing but are unsure where to start? We provide a consultancy service to help you create a forward thinking action plan to make wellbeing a priority for you and your teams. 

How we spend our Lives.

After spending over a decade immersed in the 9-to-5 grind, our founders recognised a crucial insight: consistent wellbeing often eludes people because two-thirds of their lives are consumed by work and sleep. Given the significant portion of life spent in the workplace, companies have a unique opportunity—and responsibility—to invest time and resources into services that promote mental and physical wellness. By prioritising initiatives that help individuals feel good in both mind and body, organisations can foster greater stability, balance, and overall fulfilment in their employees' lives.

Life Balance